Name a Seat in The Billy Johnson Auditorium
Dedicate a seat to a loved one in The Billy Johnson Auditorium. A personalized brass plaque will be secured to the armrest. Your donation of $1,500 will support the inclusive and inspiring programs and services that the Museum has been delivering to audiences for more than a century.
Dedicate a Seat
Want to Know More About Naming Opportunities at The Newark Museum of Art?
The Newark Museum of Art is pleased to celebrate beloved members of our community, past and present. The Museum’s four-acre campus offers a range of opportunities to honor and remember loved ones. Inscriptions and named funds honor individuals and families in perpetuity as part of the fabric of New Jersey’s largest museum, serving 300,000 visitors each year.
For more information about available naming opportunities for spaces and funds supporting specific programs, please contact Hannah Hume, Manager of Philanthropy, at 973-596-6638 or hhume@newarkmuseumart.org.